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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Electronics: The application of texture analysis on the latest developments

The landscape of electronics R&D is vast, and the information within this post provides just a snapshot of the ongoing innovations. The sector remains one of the most dynamic and rapidly advancing areas of research and development.

What are the new material and product ideas in electronics product research, development and production and how can a Texture Analyser be applied?

Electronics is a broad and rapidly advancing field. The following are some trends and innovations in electronic product research, development, and production:

  • Flexible and foldable electronics: Devices like foldable smartphones and wearable gadgets that leverage flexible OLEDs and other innovative components. Beyond smartwatches, this includes smart clothing, electronic tattoos, and advanced health monitors.
  • Quantum computing: Efforts to develop computers that use the principles of quantum mechanics to potentially surpass classical supercomputers.
  • Solid-state batteries: Batteries without liquid electrolytes, aiming to provide higher energy density and better safety compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries.
  • 5G and beyond: Development of technologies to support faster wireless communication standards.
  • Neuromorphic computing: Chips and systems designed to mimic the human brain's neural structures for more efficient computing, especially for AI tasks.
  • Printed electronics: Using printing methods to create electronic circuits, offering potential cost reductions and flexibility in design.
  • Advanced memory technologies: Such as Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory (MRAM) and Resistive Random-Access Memory (ReRAM) that offer faster speeds and lower power consumption.
  • Green electronics: Focus on sustainable, biodegradable, or recyclable electronics to reduce e-waste.
  • AI-integrated chips: Processors optimised for AI computations, enabling faster machine learning and deep learning tasks.
  • Integrated photonics: Using light instead of electrical signals for faster and more efficient data transfer.
  • 2D Materials: Beyond graphene, other 2D materials like molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), boron nitride, and more are being explored for their unique electronic, optical, and mechanical properties.
  • High Entropy Alloys: Multi-principal element alloys that have potential for high-performance electronic applications due to their unique structures.
  • Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs): Advanced materials to manage heat in electronic devices, including novel gels, pastes, and composites.
  • Human Augmentation Devices: Devices that enhance the human body's capabilities, from exoskeletons to brain-machine interfaces.

Here is some recent interesting research in electronics product development using the Texture Analyser:

Using a Texture Analyser in electronics development

The integration of the Texture Analyser in electronics product research and development (R&D) presents a versatile approach to comprehending and optimising the properties of materials central to electronic devices. The analysis of adhesives stands out, assessing their bonding strength crucial in assembling electronic components. Conductive gels and pastes undergo evaluation, encompassing consistency, spreadability, and adhesive characteristics, pivotal for effective usage. Flexible materials used in flexible electronics are subjected to tests elucidating flexibility, bending, and foldability, all integral to performance.

Tactile feedback mechanisms, such as buttons, touchpads, or haptic feedback systems, have their force-response attributes assessed. Thermal compounds, facilitating heat dissipation, are evaluated for spreadability and adhesive properties. Screen protectors and films are scrutinised for adhesion, hardness, and scratch resistance, safeguarding device screens. Elastomers and seals, vital for waterproof or dustproof devices, are assessed for compressibility and resilience. The Texture Analyser extends its evaluation to wire insulation, encompassing tensile strength, flexibility, and abrasion resistance, ensuring the longevity and safety of device wiring.

Solder pastes, integral to the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) process, undergo evaluation for consistency and spreadability. In the context of solid-state batteries, understanding the mechanical properties of battery electrolytes becomes pivotal. Through these analyses, the Texture Analyser collaborates with other testing methodologies to offer a comprehensive understanding of material performance within electronic devices. The insights derived from these evaluations guide formulation refinements, ensuring electronics meet desired performance criteria for diverse applications. In electronics product R&D, the Texture Analyser emerges as an indispensable tool, facilitating meticulous analysis and fostering the creation of products that align with technological advancements and user expectations. While the Texture Analyser plays a more indirect role in electronics R&D compared to areas like food or cosmetics, it's essential in ensuring that materials and components meet desired mechanical specifications. Proper texture and consistency can influence a product's functionality, durability, and overall user experience.

Typical electronic product test and resulting graph

Find out more about typical tests that a Texture Analyser can perform for electronics product texture measurement.

There is a Texture Analysis test for virtually any physical property. Contact Stable Micro Systems today to learn more about our full range of solutions.

For more information on how to measure texture, please visit the Texture Analysis Properties section on our website.

TA.XTplusC texture analyser with bloom jar
The TA.XTplusC texture analyser is part of a family of texture analysis instruments and equipment from Stable Micro Systems. An extensive portfolio of specialist attachments is available to measure and analyse the textural properties of a huge range of food products. Our technical experts can also custom design instrument fixtures according to individual specifications.

No-one understands texture analysis like we do!

Get in touch to discuss your specific test requirements

Materials and Packaging Testing
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