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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Tuesday 14 February 2023

How to measure hardness using a Texture Analyser

Hardness is a measure of how mechanically resistant a material (sample) is to the mechanical penetration of an indenter (a harder body) or as the resistance of a specific material to localised plastic deformation. Hardness tests are extremely important and frequently applied in materials science and are a standard measurement for mechanical materials testing in such materials as metals and stone such as quartz, granite and concrete. The measurement of hardness is usually quick and simple to perform and indicates a major material property and how materials will behave under certain loads. It is therefore used in quality control/assurance to assess incoming goods and outgoing goods inspection but is also an essential tool in research when developing and improving materials and technologies. Measuring hardness is crucial to assess whether a material is suitable for a particular function or the manufacture of a specific technical part of a product.