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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Dental products: The application of texture analysis on the latest developments

Given the hype it produced in healthcare due to the technology's potential to print medicines, prosthetics, and even organ replicas, 3D-printing does not require an introduction. Its relevance was underscored even more during the COVID-19 crisis, when it was necessary to bypass supply chains in order to satisfy hospital requests. Dental labs will adopt the technology as it becomes a fundamental element of healthcare practise. Orthodontic models, surgical guides, aligners, retainers, and other dental equipment can also be printed faster and more precisely with 3D printers, compared to older methods. This aids in the improvement of processes, the reduction of errors, and the amount of labour required, ultimately giving the technology time and cost efficiency. Personalised dental fillers with lengthy therapeutic action manufactured using customised moulds via 3D printing technology have vast application prospects in the dental clinic, given the increasing prevalence and long-term treatment of tooth caries. In the field of regenerative dentistry there are leaps being made which could lead to self-healing teeth and biological therapy for damaged teeth by the development of dental fillings that allow teeth to heal themselves. These fillings stimulate stem cells to promote the growth of dentin, or the main constituent of our teeth. This effectively enables patients to regrow teeth damaged through dental disease and potentially eliminate the need for root canals.

And then there’s smart toothbrushes! In order to do this development work, different materials and different procedures for handling these materials will need to be resolved. The resulting prototypes will need to be assessed to check which combination of materials and material handling parameters produce the most optimum end result and creates a product which is fit for purpose and able to withstand the rigours that it will encounter in its use. A Texture Analyser offers the solution to measure these physical properties and discover the ideal prototype to take forward.

What are the new material and product ideas in dental product research, development and production and how can a Texture Analyser be applied?

Dental product research and development is a multifaceted domain, covering restorative materials, oral care products, prosthodontics, and more. Here are some of the recent trends and innovations in dental product research and development:

  • Bioactive restorative materials: These materials stimulate the natural healing and remineralization processes of teeth. They are not just passive fillings but interact with the surrounding tooth structure.
  • Nanocomposites: Fillings that incorporate nanoscale particles to improve strength, durability, and aesthetics.
  • Smart toothbrushes: Electric toothbrushes integrated with sensors and paired with mobile apps to give feedback on brushing technique.
  • Natural oral care products: Toothpaste, mouthwash, and other products formulated with natural ingredients, avoiding synthetic chemicals and additives.
  • 3D printing: Used for creating dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, and even orthodontic devices.
  • Regenerative procedures: Techniques and products that aim to regenerate lost tooth structures, including the use of stem cells.
  • Teeth whitening innovations: More effective and gentler methods for teeth whitening, including blue light technology.
  • Oral microbiome balancers: Products designed to promote a balanced oral microbiome, enhancing overall oral health.
  • Customised dental solutions: Using AI and machine learning to tailor dental treatments and products to individual patients. Dentures designed using digital scans and CAD/CAM technology for a precise and comfortable fit.
  • Slow-release drug delivery: Incorporating therapeutic agents in dental products (like mouthwash or toothpaste) that release slowly over time for prolonged benefits.
  • Probiotic oral care: Products containing beneficial bacteria to counteract harmful oral microbes and potentially reduce oral diseases.
  • Edible dental products: Chewing gums or lozenges infused with agents to combat oral bacteria, neutralise pH, or promote oral health.

Here is some recent interesting research in dental product development using the Texture Analyser: 

Using a Texture Analyser in dental product development

The integration of the Texture Analyser in Dental Product Research and Development (R&D) introduces a comprehensive approach to understanding and optimising dental materials. Evaluation of consistency and spreadability plays a pivotal role in assessing the workability of dental cements, pastes, and impression materials. For restorative materials, hardness assessment offers insights into their resistance to deformation, a critical attribute ensuring long-term durability. Elasticity analysis addresses the flexibility of materials like dental sealants or soft denture liners, contributing to comfort and performance. Adhesiveness determination quantifies how effectively products such as dental adhesives bond to tooth structures, impacting their efficacy.

The Texture Analyser further explores setting time and strength for products that solidify over time, providing insights into setting kinetics and final strength for materials like cements or fillings. Chewing simulation becomes pivotal, testing the endurance and wear of restorative materials or dental prosthetics under simulated chewing conditions. Fracture toughness assessment gauges material resistance to crack propagation, a crucial factor for products like crowns or inlays. Abrasion resistance evaluation scrutinises how dental materials withstand abrasive forces, a critical attribute considering tooth brushing and daily wear.

Extrudability measurements cater to products in tubes or syringes, such as cements or impression materials, by assessing the force required for extrusion. Dissolution rate analysis focuses on products like toothpaste or dissolvable oral strips, offering insights into their behaviour within the oral environment.

The Texture Analyser collaborates with other testing methodologies to provide a comprehensive understanding of dental material performance. The insights derived from these evaluations guide formulation refinements, ensuring dental products meet the desired performance criteria for clinical applications, patient comfort, and longevity. The insights gleaned from texture analysis can be invaluable in optimising dental product formulations, ensuring not only efficacy but also ease of use and longevity.

Typical dental product test and resulting graph

Find out more about typical tests that a Texture Analyser can perform for dental product texture measurement.

Request an article about how to apply a Texture Analyser to dental product testing.

There is a Texture Analysis test for virtually any physical property. Contact Stable Micro Systems today to learn more about our full range of solutions.

For more information on how to measure texture, please visit the Texture Analysis Properties section on our website.

TA.XTplusC texture analyser with bloom jar

The TA.XTplusC texture analyser is part of a family of texture analysis instruments and equipment from Stable Micro Systems. An extensive portfolio of specialist attachments is available to measure and analyse the textural properties of a huge range of food products. Our technical experts can also custom design instrument fixtures according to individual specifications.

No-one understands texture analysis like we do!

Get in touch to discuss your specific test requirements

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