RUPTURE FORCE – the force that is required to produce a major break/rupture in a
sample – can be related to the firmness and brittleness of a product. It
is related to burst force – the force causing a sample to break
suddenly and violently into pieces. Rupture force measurement can be
crucial for such products as medical implants, which may be required to
resemble soft tissue but must remain intact for the duration of their
intended residence.
Several other products, such as gel capsules
containing vitamins, possess bursting as a desirable property, but must
withstand transport and handling before ultimately bursting in the
In view of the large number of test principles and fixtures that can be used for measuring texture of food, one can easily become bewildered when faced with the problem of developing a suitable procedure for measuring its textural properties.
Bourne (1982) outlined a procedure to guide anyone through the necessary steps to select the correct test principle for each particular application.
Here is our interpretation of the texture analysis method thought process, with a few quotes and guidelines from academics in the field.