The CHEESE GRATING RIG (A/GR) comprises a grating platform consisting of interchangeable grating faces and a sample block holder which acts as a sample template and, during the test, holds the sample in place. The rig is used in conjunction with the TA.XTplus texture analyser which unusually in this case is used in a horizontal position to ensure a constant application of force onto the sample. This configuration also means that samples can be tested repeatedly over several cycles without the need for reloading.
Scientists at the University of Torino in Italy have published an extremely interesting book chapter, entitled: 'Changes in Physical and Mechanical Properties of Dehydrating Berries'.
This highlights the parameters that a texture analyser can provide, as predictors of consumer acceptability. At the University of Torino, the researchers have been using their TA.XTplus Texture Analyser and Acoustic Envelope Detector to investigate wine grapes.