GELS (Bloom test): P/0.5 - AOAC method; P/0.5R - ISO method XT/BL - Bloom jar The measurement of gel strength is of widespread interest in the manufacture of pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic products, and also in areas of the food industry such as confectionery.
properties such as elasticity and rupture force of, for example,
pectin, gelatine, agar etc. are important in the development of such
products as coronary stents where hydrogel polymers are selected due to
their soft, rubbery nature which gives them a strong, superficial
resemblance to living, soft tissue.
Performing textural magic with the use of texturising agents
Continuing our look at the world of Molecular Gastronomy...
Texture Trick No. 1: Spherification: creating multi-textured gel balls The
spherification technique (created by el Bulli in 2003) consists of a
controlled jellification of a liquid which forms spheres when submerged
in a bath.
The sphere of liquid surrounded by a delicate membrane of
jelly breaks very easily when placed in the mouth, releasing an
explosion of flavour.
The spheres can be made in different sizes
and have been given names like ‘caviar’ when they are small; or ‘eggs’,
‘gnocchi’ and ‘ravioli’ when they are larger. They are
flexible and need to be carefully manipulated. It is possible to
introduce solid elements in the sphere which will remain in suspension
in the liquid, giving the possibility of introducing multiple flavours
and textures in one preparation.
Just about anything can be given
the appearance of balls of caviar with this trick. Sodium alginate is
mixed with any liquid which is then dripped into a calcium salt and
water solution. Scooped out at the optimum time, they should be jellied
on the outside and still liquid in the middle as the calcium solution
will set the sodium alginate gel. Fruit juices make a nice choice for
spherification as you can add them to desserts for a touch of
decoration. Alternatively, balls of consommé, or balsamic vinaigrette
balls can be presented for an interesting savoury garnish.