The FRACTURE WEDGE SET (A/WEG) comprises of upper and lower wedges each with a cutting angle of 30° and 30mm width.
The lower wedge is fixed directly to the base of the Texture Analyser and the upper wedge is connected directly to the loadcell.
Typical examples include cheese and vegetables which are held on the lower wedge and the force to fracture is measured. The maximum sample width is limited to 30mm.
I hadn't given my
sister's Coeliac Disease much thought until she invited me for a Sunday tea
party last weekend.
Whilst, as a food
scientist, I appreciated that she had some adapting to do in her diet, I hadn't
fully appreciated just what a wide range of products she'd been through to
select the products that were as close as possible to the palatability of the
gluten-loaded products she used to enjoy. When
gluten is removed from baked products, taste and mouthfeel are usually
compromised – and it’s difficult for consumers to find gluten-free alternatives
that taste good and have desirable texture properties. Gluten-free bakery
product formulations have the tendency to be dense, have no structure, crumble
easily and are prone to quicker staling.
Bakery formulators are striving to find solutions to these problems and
quantify the effects of their efforts.