PEEL STRENGTH is a material's ability to resist forces that can pull it apart by separating a flexible surface from a rigid surface or another flexible surface. Peel tests are useful for a variety of products and can be performed on containers such as jars, cans, trays, packaging pouches as well as assessment of adhesive, cosmetic and medical products such tapes, bandages, wax strips etc.
The most common tests are the T-peel, 90 degree peel and the 180 degree peel but different peeling angles are possible. Usually the average force per unit width and the peak force required to separate either of these two surfaces is measured.
Cooking quality is an important quality characteristic for pulses – peas (Pisum sativum), lentils (Lens culinaris), chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) because they are commonly consumed after cooking in various types of foods.
Cooking is required to ensure acceptable sensory quality. Texture/firmness is one of the most important quality factors influencing consumer acceptance of cooked pulses. Thus, evaluation of the texture/ firmness of cooked pulses is critical to the determination of cooking quality.
There are several methods available for measuring the texture/firmness of cooked pulses, both subjective and objective, but until now, no universally accepted method has existed.