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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Weird and wacky applications of a Texture Analyser for medical products

Medical and pharmaceutical products, while often overlooked for their tactile properties, possess a range of amazing physical attributes crucial for their functionality and efficacy. Take, for instance, the precisely calibrated flexibility of a surgical stent, the adhesive quality of a transdermal patch, or the dissolution rate of an orally disintegrating tablet. Each of these properties has been meticulously designed to serve a specific purpose, ensuring that the product not only performs its intended function but also maximises patient comfort and adherence to treatment. The need for these distinct physical attributes arises from the diverse challenges posed by the human body. A drug, for instance, needs to navigate the body's complex biochemical landscape, and its physical properties often dictate how effectively it can do so. Similarly, medical implants or devices must harmonise with the body's biomechanics, ensuring they function seamlessly without causing discomfort or adverse reactions.