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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Thursday 27 April 2023

Why sound is so valuable to your product success

The Acoustic Envelope Detector on the
TA.XTplusC Texture Analyser
Ever wondered why we are so drawn to the pop of a champagne cork or the fizz released when opening a carbonated beverage can? Auditory inputs contribute to product enjoyment and currently are the underestimated dimension to be measured and controlled for product success.

Whilst a number of the world’s largest food producers are now starting to commercialise the crunch of their product there are a wide range of other products where sound is a key feature to their likeability. What we hear when we experience the product plays an important role in our multisensory perception and enjoyment of the overall multisensory experience of using it.

Applying powder flow analysis to upcycled food in sports and infant nutrition

"Thirst quencher," "rapid bulk gain," "performance recovery formula," "weight reduction," or "muscle repair" are all powdered drink alternatives in the realm of sports nutrition. Formulations designed to be scooped out of a big container have varied compositions that affect powder behaviour during travel and storage. Fat content, particle size, and humidity can affect powder behaviour during processing and also the physical characteristics during use. The same is true for infant formulae.

How to measure the snap, crackle and pop of your confectionery products

Taste, smell and texture have long been associated with eating enjoyment, but there is another characteristic that is yet to be fully explored: sound. From the satisfying crunch of a potato chip to the energetic snap of a chocolate bar, the sound heard when a food is handled and consumed provides vital information on its quality, both actual and assumed. Growing recognition of the intrinsic role of sound in eating enjoyment is now starting to emerge as an important trend with untapped potential and is driving a new generation of food acoustics analysis procedures designed to align product development with end-user expectations, create a positive point of difference and secure consumer loyalty.

10% more snap, 20% crispier, 10% less sticky – all of these quantitative claims need to be substantiated – enter the Acoustic Envelope Detector.