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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Weird and wacky applications of a Texture Analyser for food products

The texture of food is an integral component of our culinary experience, often as influential as taste or aroma. Foods with unique and appealing textural properties, from the delightful snap of a well-tempered chocolate bar to the silky mouthfeel of a rich custard, evoke specific sensory pleasures that elevate the overall dining experience. Many cultures around the world have traditional dishes celebrated for their textural contrasts, like the chewy-centred and crispy-edged Asian mochi or the simultaneously crunchy and gooey nature of a French crème brûlée. The reason we enjoy these varied textures is deeply rooted in our sensory perceptions. Different textures can stimulate the mouth in diverse ways, offering a multisensory experience that can be both surprising and delightful.