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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Texture Analysis in Action: the Adhesive Indexing System and Adhesive Testing

Spaghetti flexure test using the TA.XTplus Texture AnalyserThere is a sizeable range of attachments available, each of which is designed to carry out various aspects of adhesive testing.

Using this device, a 90 degree peel angle is maintained by the use of a cord and pulley system. A strip of tape is applied to the test bed or other standard surface of interest (according to customer specifications). 

The tape is peeled from the panel at a 90º angle at a specified rate, during which time the force required to effect peel is measured. 

The test is commonly used for quality assurance purposes where the minimum or maximum peel values expected for a particular tape can form an acceptance criterion.

This plate allows ten individual adhesive tape tests to be performed on a single sample using a domical probe. The plate is moved manually to bring each sample section into position.


This device incorporates a multi-slot plate and a clamping 

fixture for the measurement of adhesiveness of, for example, 
release liner material to adhesive tapes.

Applicable Standard Adhesive Methods
AFERA: 4013, 4015, 5001, 5004; FINAT: Test Methods 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 18, 22; ASTM: D330/D330M, D3759M; PSTC: 4B, 8, 31, 101.

This rig allows the measurement of unwind adhesion – the force required the tape from the roll.


This test method provides a means of assessing probably the most important and yet the hardest to measure property of pressure sensitive materials, the tack. 

The test performs a loop tape method according to FINAT method no. 9. This allows the end user to compare the “initial grab” or “application tack” of different laminates and can be extremely useful to those working with automatic labelling equipment where this property is of particular importance.
The ‘Quick-stick’ tack value of a pressure sensitive material is expressed as the force required to separate, at a specified speed, a loop of material (adhesive outermost) which has been brought into contact with a specified area of a standard surface. 

This test is for adhesive tapes and uses a 1 inch stainless 
steel ball probe to ensure contact consistency for effective adhesiveness measurement. 

Double-sided tape is recommended to mount the test sample such that the effect of facestock stiffness on test data is minimised. 

The measurement involves both bonding and debonding in a controlled manner to provide an accurate and complete stress-strain profile.

This test can determine the comparative peeling or stripping characteristics of adhesive bonds, essential for the application of adhesive bandages. 

Wound dressings and adhesive strips are required to have qualities such as 'low-tack', water- or moisture-resistance; not only is the selection of the strip material and surface important, but also the properties of the adhesive.

Skin adhesion and drug compatibility are critical performance characteristics of a transdermal system. Because drug delivery is directly proportional to the skin contact area, it may be compromised if a patch does not maintain proper skin adhesion.

Measurement of bend and fracture resistance of uncooked spaghetti
Typical Exponent graph illustrating
peel properties of three samples
Assigning objective values to adhesive characteristics can predict the effectiveness of transdermal patches.

Attention is paid to fluctuating force before final break which would indicate weaknesses. These measurements give a good indication of the suitability of the product for packaging and transportation.

We can design and manufacture probes or fixtures
for the TA.XTplus texture analyser that are bespoke to your sample and its specific measurement.

Once your measurement is performed, our expertise in its graphical interpretation is unparalleled. Not only can we develop the most suitable and accurate method for the testing of your sample, but we can also prepare analysis procedures that obtain the desired parameters from your curve and drop them into a spreadsheet or report designed around your requirements.

For more information on how to measure texture, please visit the Texture Analysis Properties section on our website.

TA.XTplus texture analyser with bloom jar The
TA.XTplus texture analyser is part of a family of texture analysis instruments and equipment from Stable Micro Systems. An extensive portfolio of specialist attachments is available to measure and analyse the textural properties of a huge range of food products. Our technical experts can also custom design instrument fixtures according to individual specifications.

No-one understands texture analysis like we do!

To discuss your specific test requirements click here...

 Adhesive testing videoDownload a published article covering methods for the testing of adhesives

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