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How to measure and analyse the texture of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and adhesives.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Weird and wacky applications of a Texture Analyser for food products

The texture of food is an integral component of our culinary experience, often as influential as taste or aroma. Foods with unique and appealing textural properties, from the delightful snap of a well-tempered chocolate bar to the silky mouthfeel of a rich custard, evoke specific sensory pleasures that elevate the overall dining experience. Many cultures around the world have traditional dishes celebrated for their textural contrasts, like the chewy-centred and crispy-edged Asian mochi or the simultaneously crunchy and gooey nature of a French crème brûlée. The reason we enjoy these varied textures is deeply rooted in our sensory perceptions. Different textures can stimulate the mouth in diverse ways, offering a multisensory experience that can be both surprising and delightful.

Enter the Texture Analyser: a tool that has become indispensable in the world of food science and product development. For manufacturers and researchers aiming to replicate or innovate these amazing textural properties, a Texture Analyser offers precise, quantifiable data on various textural attributes such as hardness, elasticity, chewiness, and more. This instrument exerts specific forces on food samples, mimicking the human bite or touch, and then measures the sample's reaction, providing objective data on its textural characteristics. By analysing this data, manufacturers can optimise formulations, ensure consistency across batches, and innovate new products that cater to evolving consumer preferences. Whether it's enhancing the crunch in a chip or achieving the perfect gelatinous consistency in a jelly dessert, the Texture Analyser is pivotal in capturing and reproducing the magic of incredible food textures.

Here are just a few examples of weird and wonderful ways the Texture Analyser can be applied:

  • Marshmallow roasting optimisation: Texture Analysers can help determine the ideal roasting time and temperature for marshmallows. By analysing factors like surface crispness, gooeyness, and browning, enthusiasts can achieve the perfect marshmallow roasting experience.
  • Pasta bite force analysis: Texture Analysers can measure the force required to bite into different types of pasta. This analysis helps in understanding the textural properties of pasta and optimising cooking times for achieving desired textures.
  • Noodle stretchiness assessment: Texture Analysers can evaluate the stretchiness and ease of eating different types of noodles. This analysis helps in understanding the textural qualities that contribute to a satisfying noodle eating experience.
  • Tofu firmness measurement: Texture Analysers can evaluate the firmness and texture of tofu. This analysis helps in optimising tofu production processes and achieving the desired consistency for different culinary applications.
  • Orange peel resistance: Texture Analysers can measure the resistance of oranges to tear when peeled. This research assists in developing orange varieties with easy-peel claims.
  • Bread crust crispness: Texture Analysers can assess the crispness and crunchiness of bread crust. This information is useful for bakeries and food manufacturers in achieving the desired crust texture and optimising baking processes.
  • Analysis of jello (jelly) wobble: Texture Analysers can measure the elasticity of gelatine-based desserts like jelly. This analysis provides insights into the textural properties and stability of the dessert.
  • Testing the slipperiness of banana peels: Texture Analysers can measure the slipperiness and coefficient of friction of banana peels. This research aids in understanding the physical properties of banana peels and their potential hazards.
  • Testing the spreadability of Nutella or chocolate spread: Texture Analysers can measure the spreadability and ease of spreading of Nutella or other chocolate spreads. This analysis helps in optimising the texture and consistency of these popular spreads.
  • Analysing the "stretchiness" of cheese: Texture Analysers can evaluate the stretchiness and elasticity of cheese, particularly for types like mozzarella or string cheese. This research aids in understanding the meltability and textural properties of cheese.

There is a Texture Analysis test for virtually any physical property. Contact Stable Micro Systems today to learn more about our full range of solutions.

For more information on how to measure texture, please visit the Texture Analysis Properties section on our website.

TA.XTplusC texture analyser with bloom jar

The TA.XTplusC texture analyser is part of a family of texture analysis instruments and equipment from Stable Micro Systems. An extensive portfolio of specialist attachments is available to measure and analyse the textural properties of a huge range of food products. Our technical experts can also custom design instrument fixtures according to individual specifications.

No-one understands texture analysis like we do!

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Texture Analysis applications

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