However, matching up visual and graphical information after a test can be awkward if the data are not synchronised. For example, correlating peaks and troughs on a force-distance-time graph to specific moments in the test can be tricky, even if the video of the experiment is faultless. This is especially the case where a product has an uneven texture or a complex breaking pattern.
Stable Micro Systems’ Video Capture and Synchronisation System enables texture analyser users to view 50fps video recordings frame by frame, simultaneously with the corresponding force-distance-time graph. You can replay, freeze-frame and share your product texture testing; it's a fantastic tool for teaching texture analysis for those new to the field, or to help you gain a frame-by-frame understanding of your product breakdown.
See the Video Capture and Synchronisation System in action!
All the collected data is processed by the latest version of Exponent software – supplied with the TA.XTplus texture analyser. As the instrument begins collecting test data, a signal is relayed to the Video Capture Interface that initiates the video recording.
Each frame is automatically synchronised with the data points on the graph, allowing slow replay of those frames that record a significant event, but which may not be easily seenby the naked eye in real time. This enables the exact relation of graph events to visual events on the product.
The test platform with camera mounting points fits easily to the test bed of the TA.XTplus Texture Analyser. The camera on its flexible arm can be positioned above or directly to the side of the test sample, but may also be mounted below the transparent window of the test platform, with additional illumination in any case being provided by the optional multiple-LED lighting arrangement.
Find out more about the new Video Capture and Synchronisation System...
Replay your texture analysis over and over

In order to keep pace with the changing needs of today’s rapidly-evolving market, manufacturers must continue to seek innovative ways to improve their products.
The emergence of advanced video capture and synchronisation instrumentation is enabling manufacturers to investigate new dimensions in texture analysis. Using this ground-breaking equipment, they can achieve more accurate and objective test results that facilitate improvements and boost commercial success.
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